Pan et al., 2022 - Zebrafish Establish Female Germ Cell Identity by Advancing Cell Proliferation and Meiosis
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Meiosis as the hallmark of 14-dpf female germ cell transcriptome. (A). Gene ontology analysis of 1692 genes upregulated in the W-hybrid. (B). Expression of genes in the meiosis I, reproduction, cell cycle, and DNA metabolism at 10, 12, and 14 dpf. One gene is represented by a line, and the color represents the expression level normalized by Z-score. (C). A Venn diagram showing the overlaps of genes involved in meiosis I, reproduction, cell cycle, and DNA metabolism. (D). in situ hybridization of 10 meiotic genes in the 14-dpf W- and Z-hybrids. (E). The immunostaining of Sycp3 in gonocyte (GO), preleptotene (PL), leptotene (L), and zygotene (Z) germ cells. Germ cells marker Vasa and meiotic gene marker Sycp3 are magenta and green, respectively. DAPI are shown in white. The boxed regions are enlarged at the right side (1–4). (F). The W-hybrid advances meiosis faster than the Z-hybrid at 14 dpf. The proportion of preleptotene (yellowish), leptotene (blue), and zygotene (light green) are shown. The p value was calculated using the chi-squared analysis.

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