Fig. 6
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- ZDB-FIG-220113-16
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- Yang et al., 2021 - A single-cell-resolution fate map of endoderm reveals demarcation of pancreatic progenitors by cell cycle
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Manipulations of the cell cycle state specifically in PPCs or peri-PCs cell-autonomously modulate their pancreatic fate propensity. (A) Schematic diagram of transplantation strategy. Donor embryos were injected with mock or gemMO or gem mRNA together with cas mRNA and rhodamine dextran (red). Transplantations into the Tg(sox17:GFP) host embryos were performed at the 1,000-cell stage. The host embryos with donor cells incorporated into peri-PCs or PPCs were identified and collected at the 4-somite stage and analyzed for descendant distributions at 48 hpf. (B and C) When donor cells were incorporated into peri-PCs, the gemMO donor cells produced more pancreatic descendant cells than mock donor cells (B), which were confirmed by the statistics (C, n = 5). (D and E) When donor cells were incorporated into PPCs, the gem mRNA donor cells produced fewer pancreatic descendant cells than mock donor cells (D), which were confirmed by the statistics (E, n = 5). (Scale bar, 50 μm.) 4-so, 4-somite stage; gem, geminin; cas, casanova. Data are expressed as mean ± SD; P value is calculated using Student’s t test. |