NSPCs receive periodic input from the locomotor network.a Images of a NSPC (her4.1:GFP+, white arrowhead) close to the spinal cord’s central canal. Current steps do not produce action potentials in NSPCs. Ex vivo setup of the brain-spinal cord preparation allows simultaneous recordings of a spinal cord NSPC and ipsilateral motor nerves (Nv). Electrical stimulation (10 pulses at 1 Hz) of the descending inputs elicits a swimming episode. In the absence of swimming, NSPCs do not respond (top traces). During a fictive locomotor episode, NSPCs periodically receive strong inputs (bottom traces). b NSPC responses during swim phase and the locomotor cycle during simultaneous ipsilateral and contralateral recordings. c Graph showing the activity of different NSPCs as a function of instantaneous swimming burst frequency. Individual data points represent instantaneous swimming frequencies of all swimming cycles where the respective NSPCs responded. d No apparent correlation between the amplitude of the periodic NSPC responses and the swimming frequency. e Correlation (R2 = 0.9098) between the swim duration and the detected number of inputs to NSPCs. The dashed gray line represents the baseline. NSPC, neural stem/progenitor cell. For detailed statistics, see Supplementary Table 1.