Representative SU5402-treated and DMSO Control (explanted) hearts are shown. (A) 48 hpf tg(myl7:Gal4FF; UAS:RFP; 0.2Intr1spaw-GFP) hearts. In SU5402-treated hearts, dextral looping is completed and left-originating cardiomyocytes (green) can be observed at the ventricle outer curvature, similar to the control condition (arrowheads). (B) Quantification and comparison of AV canal angles in SU5402-treated and DMSO Control embryos. AV canal angle measurement is exemplified in the upper left panel. (C) Heart explant procedure: as cardiac jogging is completed (26 hpf) heart tubes are explanted and put into culture for approximately 24 hpf during which chemical treatments can be carried out. At 48 hpf, the hearts are imaged. (D) Heart tubes explanted at 26 hpf and subsequently cultured in liquid medium for 24 hr display normal formation of a ventricle, atrium and atrioventricular canal. The lft2 reporter allows visualization of left-originating cells at the outer curvature of both ventricle and atrium, in control (DMSO) and treatment (SU5402) conditions. For (B) mean values ± SEM are shown. Legends: R: Right; L: Left; S: Superior side; I: Inferior side. Scale bars: 100 µm.