grb2b is a member of the Vegfc/Vegfr3 signaling pathway. a–e Injections of 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO in embryos from a grb2bmu404 outcross. a–d Confocal pictures of 48hpf old embryos; flt4:mCitrine is shown in green and flt1:tdTomato in red. e There is no difference in the number of PLs between un-injected wt embryos and wt embryos injected with 0.15 ng of vegfr3 MO. grb2bmu404 heterozygous embryos show a significant decrease in PLs after injection of 0.15 ng of vegfr3 MO. wt UIC: n = 45; wt 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO: n = 51; het UIC: n = 49; het 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO: n = 43. ***Between wt and het: P value = 0.0002 (t test, two tailed); ***Between wt 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO and het 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO: P value < 0.0001 (Mann–Whitney); ****Between het and het 0.15 ng vegfr3 MO: P value < 0.0001 (t-test, two tailed), ns not significant, UIC un-injected control, MO morpholino, OC outcross, PL parachordal lymphangioblast. Scale bars: 50 μm. Data in e are mean ± sd