Nuclear cataract in gjd2b (Cx35.1) mutants.a, b Coronal SD-OCT sections of typical 3 mpf lenses of WT control (a) and gjd2b (Cx35.1) mutant (b) fish. c Proportion of cataractous lenses in 1.5 mpf, 2 mpf, and 3 mpf SD-OCT data (n = 40 eyes) indicating an increasing prevalence in gjd2b (Cx35.1) mutants. d–g DIC microscopy of 6 mpf fish lenses allows visualization of opaque nuclear lens fibers in lenses of gjd2b (Cx35.1) mutants (e) and (g) and transparent WT control lenses (d) and (f). d, e DIC 20× magnification (f) and (g) 40× magnification. h Proportion of cataractous lenses by SD-OCT and DIC microscopy at 6 mpf (n = 24 eyes). i Ratio of opaque pixels: total pixels indicating the opacity of 6 mpf coronal SD-OCT sections (n = 24 eyes). Error bars: SEM. Significance: ns = not significant, *p < 0.05, **p < 0.01, ***p < 0.001. DIC microscopy: differential interference contrast microscopy.