SFPQ directly binds to CLE-adjacent RNA sequences.a Metaplot showing the distribution of predicted SFPQ-binding sites surrounding CLEs (red) and constitutive last exons of each CLE-containing gene (blue). In total, 200 bp of surrounding intron/CLE junction sequence (150 bp intron and 50 bp exon) were binned into 50 bp windows and the mean number of predicted motifs is shown ±SEM. b–d Top: location of SFPQ-binding motifs predicted using the MEME suite. Bottom: RT-qPCR quantitation showing the relative enrichment of SFPQ-interacting regions surrounding CLEs. RT-qPCR primer pairs were designed for each 100-bp sequence window demarcated by alternating gray and white areas. Abundance of SFPQ- or IgG(control)-crosslinked RNAs were normalized to input and the mean value from three replicates were shown ±SD. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.