Figure 2.
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- ZDB-FIG-210311-28
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- Rosello et al., 2021 - Precise base editing for the in vivo study of developmental signaling and human pathologies in zebrafish
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(A–F) DNA sequencing chromatogram of targeted loci with the ancBE4max (in A–D) or ancBE4max-SpymacCas9 (in E,F) and obtained C-to-T conversion efficiencies. (A) E62K mutation in Kras upon C-to-T conversion in kras reached 19% gene-editing efficiency. The other edited C led to a silent mutation CAG (Q) to CAA (Q). (B) Q8* mutation in Dmd upon C-to-T conversion in dmd reached 14% of gene-editing efficiency. (C) Q145* mutation in Sod2 upon C-to-T conversion in sod2 reached 64% of gene-editing efficiency. (D) W63* mutation in Rb1 upon C-to-T conversion in rb1 reached 21% for the C19 base, 79% for C17, and 75% for the C16 of gene-editing efficiency. (E) G13S mutation in Nras upon C-to-T conversion in nras reached 19% of gene-editing efficiency. (F) Q170* mutation in p53 upon C-to-T conversion in tp53 reached 16% of gene-editing efficiency. For (A, D–F), the reverse complement of the sgRNA sequence is shown. (A–F) The chromatograms correspond to the efficiency reported for the single embryos provided in the first column of Table 2. The numbers in the boxes represent the percentage of each base at that sequence position. In red are highlighted the base substitutions introduced by base editing, while the original sequence is in blue. The color code of the chromatogram is indicated in the upper left corner (Adenine green, Cytosine blue, Thymine red, and Guanine black). The distance from the PAM sequence of the targeted C base is indicated below each chromatogram. It is considered that the quantifications under 5% are due to the background signal from Sanger sequencing and are thus non-significant (Kluesner et al., 2018). |