Depletion of Δ113p53 results in an elevated level of intracellular H2O2 in zebrafish telencephalons.A–C Relative mRNA expression of aldh4a1, gpx1a, sesn1, sod2 at 3- (A), 6- (B), and 10-months old (C) in the Δ113p53+/+ or Δ113p53M/M telencephalons. The total RNA was extracted from a pool of at least six telencephalons in each group. The average gene expression was normalized against β-actin and expressed as fold change. D The relative concentration of H2O2 in the Δ113p53+/+ and Δ113p53M/M telencephalons at 3-, 6-, and 13-months old as indicated. Each group was measured based on a pool of at least four telencephalons. Statistical analysis was performed on relevant data using the Student’s two-tailed t test. *P < 0.05, **P < 0.01, ***P < 0.001.