P130Cas mediates Bmp2b-induced formation of ectopic vessels. (A) Maximum intensity projections of WT and bcar1u7000 embryos, injected with hsp70-bmp2b plasmid and tol2 transposase RNA and subjected to heat shock from 22 to 24hpf. Ectopic venous sprouting above the dorsal aorta (indicated by dotted orange lines) is induced by overexpression of Bmp2b (upper row). (B) Quantification showed a 50% reduction of ectopic sprouting in bcar1u7000 embryos (lower row). Data displayed as box plots with centre line showing median and box dimensions indicating 25th and 75th quartile. Each data point represents an individual embryo, experimental n from ≥ 3 independent experiments, p values as shown. White box indicates wildtype, orange box bcar1u7000 embryos, grey shaded boxes indicate hsp70-bmp2b plasmid integration. Scale bar as indicated.