Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-200814-42
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- Tao et al., 2020 - LIN28B regulates transcription and potentiates MYCN-induced neuroblastoma through binding to ZNF143 at target gene promotors
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WT and mutant LIN28B show similar genome-wide binding profiles and share a subset of common downstream targets. (A) Metagenes and heatmaps of genome-wide co-occupancy for endogenous LIN28B in BE2C cells as well as LIN28B_WT and LIN28B_MU in BE2C-TET cells treated with 50-ng/mL doxycycline for 3 d as determined by ChIP-seq. See Fig. 4D legend for detail. (B) Representative ChIP-seq tracks for H3K27ac, endogenous LIN28B and ZNF143, ATAC-seq tracks in BE2C cells, as well as ChIP-seq tracks for Flag-LIN28B_WT and Flag-LIN28B_MU in BE2C-TET cells treated with 50-ng/mL doxycycline for 3 d. See Fig. 4C legend for details. (C) Immunostaining images of Flag-LIN28B_WT/MU (green) in BE2C-TET cells treated with 50-ng/mL doxycycline for 3 d. Nuclei were stained with DAPI (blue). (Scale bar, 10 μm.) (D) Fold change (log2 of yDox/nDox) in gene expression following overexpression of LIN28B_WT or LIN28B_MU in BE2C-TET cells treated with doxycycline (yDox) versus untreated cells (nDox). Gene numbers within each group are indicated. (E and F) Venn diagrams of genes that were significantly (P < 0.01) up-regulated (E) or down-regulated (F) in doxycycline-treated LIN28B_WT or LIN28B_MU expressing BE2C-TET cells compared to untreated controls. (G) GSEA to determine the correlation of DNA binding with gene expression changes upon overexpression of LIN28B_WT or LIN28B_MU in BE2C-TET cells. The GSEA plot indicates the degree to which LIN28B and ZNF143 cobound genes are overrepresented at the extreme left (up-regulated by overexpression) or right (down-regulated by overexpression) of the entire ranked list. Solid bars represent LIN28B-bound genes. The green shading indicates the leading edge subset of genes. o/e, overexpression. (H) Heatmaps depicting the relative expression levels of high-confidence let-7–independent LIN28B target genes in BE2C-TET cells either untreated (nDox) or treated (yDox) with doxycycline. Each row corresponds to a gene, and signal intensity is normalized across the row. Genes are ranked by P value with the lowest at the top. |