OR subfamily 10D classification. a Bayesian phylogeny of subfamily 10D members. Human OR51E1 was used as the outgroup. The tree is displayed with posterior probabilities on the branch nodes. Scale bar represents the number of amino acid changes per site. The dotted line indicates that that the outgroup branch has been compressed for display purposes; the unmodified branch length can be viewed in Additional file 5. The subfamily member clades are each given a different background colors. OR10D1: yellow, OR10D3: purple, OR10D4: orange, and OR10D5: green. An asterisk denotes a gene that was classified manually based on the strength of phylogenetic evidence placing it within that clade. Automated symbol assignment using the MMS algorithm is concordant with the clades resolved by phylogenetic analysis. b Details of the classification of mouse OR10D genes. For each gene, the table shows the symbol suggested using the MMS algorithm alongside the MMS classification step in which it was assigned (see Fig. 1), the current MGI symbol, and its closest human OR gene (by % identity)