Fig. S6
Morphological abnormalities in homozygous bach2a mutants after bach2b knockdown. (A) Fluorescent images of homozygous bach2a (bach2amut−/−) siblings obtained from F2 bach2a heterozygous intercross injected at the one-cell stage with control (10 ng, Control MO) or bach2b MO (3.75 ng). Scale bar, 500 μm. (A, B) Bright-field images corresponding to the larvae presented in panel (A). Red arrowhead indicates cardiac edema. Scale bar, 500 μm. (C)Lateral view of 6-dpf homozygous bach2a (bach2amut−/−) siblings obtained from F2 bach2a heterozygous intercross injected with control (10 ng, Control MO), bach2a (3.75 ng, bach2a MO), bach2b (3.75 ng, bach2b MO) morpholino, or bach2b gRNA (125 ng, bach2b gRNA). Red arrowhead indicates cardiac edema, whereas body edema is indicated by a black arrow. Scale bar, 500 μm. |