Left/right identity is disrupted by mutations in genes that regulate Notch signaling.a, b Curly-up morphology in 2-dpf y606 mutant (a) and sibling larvae (b). c Net turn angle for moey606 wild-type (left, +/+) and heterozygous (right, +/−) sibling larvae over four 30-s light-off trials. Open circles in the first trial (time 0) represent individual NTA for all larvae tested, and were used to classify larvae as right- (cyan, Het N = 20; WT N = 20) or left-biased (black, Het N = 27; WT N = 20). Subsequent points represent mean for left/right groups on trials 2–4. Repeated measures ANOVA effect of genotype F1,81 = 3.8, p = 0.05, η2p = 0.05. d Same analysis as in (c) for moeb476 allele showing right- (cyan, Het N = 11; WT N = 15) or left-biased (black, Het N = 25; WT N = 9) larvae. Repeated measures ANOVA interaction of genotype/motor-bias F1,56 = 5.3, p<0.05, η2p = 0.09. Asterisk p < 0.05 between groups in (c, d). e Absolute net turn angle for moey606 heterozygous (N = 47) and wild-type sibling (N = 40) larvae averaged over four trials for baseline illumination (yellow bar) and light-off (gray bar) trials. f Habenula and heart placement in wild-type siblings and moey606 heterozygous larvae. Left: percentage of larvae with a larger habenula hemisphere on each side (N = 32 and 25 for wild type, hets). Right: percentage of embryos with the heart positioned on the left, right, or midline (N = 25 and 31 for wild type, hets). g, h Match index (g) and total turning (h) for wild-type siblings and mibta52b heterozygous larvae (N = 31 and 27, respectively), during baseline (yellow) and dark (gray) responses. Asterisk p < 0.05, r = 0.42, Mann–Whitney U test. Error bars represent standard error of the mean. Source data are provided as a Source Data file.