Fig. 3

Herzog et al., 2019 - Rapid clearance of cellular debris by microglia limits secondary neuronal cell death after brain injury in vivo
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Fig. 3

Excitotoxicity contributes to secondary cell death after brain injury in larval zebrafish. (A,B) Live imaging of calcium dynamics in the optic tectum of β-actin:GCaMP6f larvae in a sham animal (A) and an injured animal (B) at 0 hpi. White arrows indicate individual tectal cells. Scale bars: 20 µm. (C,D) Calcium traces from the individual tectal cells highlighted in A and B. (E) Quantification of calcium transients in sham and injured larvae during the time in which secondary cell death occurs. n=6 animals per experimental group. **P<0.01 using two-way ANOVA. (F) Quantification of calcium transients in tectal neurons, as shown by live imaging of β-actin:GCaMP6f;NBT:dsRed larvae. n=6 animals per experimental group. **P<0.01 using a Mann–Whitney test. (G,H) Quantification of calcium transients in tectal cells at 0 hpi (G) and 6 hpi (H) with MK801 and AP5. n≥6 animals per experimental group. ns, not significant and **P<0.01 in two-way ANOVA. (I,J) Quantification of PI+ cells at 0 hpi (I) and pyknotic nuclei at 6 hpi (J) with MK801 and AP5. n≥6 animals per experimental group. ns, not significant and **P<0.01 using two-way ANOVA. Data are mean±s.e.m.

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