Tmem33 does not influence renal cystogenesis in zebrafish. a Epifluorescence image of zebrafish glomeruli. Control morpholino oligomer injected in Tg(wt1b:EGFP)li1. b Morpholino knockdown of pkd2 increases glomerular area in Tg(wt1b:EGFP)li1 (red arrows). Scale bars: 50 µm. cPkd2-dependent renal cystogenesis was unaffected by the loss of tmem33 in zebrafish tmem33sh443 mutants (tmem33+/+ black dots, tmem33+/- gray dots and tmem33−/− red dots). Each data point refers to a single glomerulus. Values are means ± SEM overlaid with dot plots. One way ANOVA with Turkey’s post hoc *p < 0.05, ***p < 0.001, ****p < 0.0001, F = 15.44, DF = 119, 2 repeats. Source data are provided as a Source Data file