Fig. 1
Generation of Zfpm1 knock out zebrafish line. (A): Upper panel, the zebrafish Zfpm1 genomic locus and Cas9/sgRNA targeting site. Deletions in ∆22 allele are shown as dashes. Lower panel, schematic representations of the domain structure of the wild-type zebrafish Zfpm1 protein and truncated protein derived from the ∆22 allele. (B) Live images of control and Zfpm1-/- zebrafish at designated time points. Lateral view, anterior to the left. Red arrowhead indicates the depression on the yolk of Zfpm1-/-embryo, white arrowhead indicates the bulge on the ventral side of Zfpm1-/-fish. For 36hpf embryos and 7dpf larvae, scale bar: 200 µm. For animal from 15 dpf to 60 dpf, scale bar: 2 mm. (C) Representative Kaplan-Meier plot for Zfpm1-/- fish and clutchmates from one of three independent experiments. 80 total Zfpm1-/- animals and 88 total siblings were followed. P < 0.0001, Mantel-Cox test. (D) Injection of Zfpm1 mRNA rescue the morphological defects in Zfpm1-/- embryos. Scale bar: 200 µm. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of this article.)
Fish: | |
Observed In: | |
Stage Range: | Prim-25 to Days 45-89 |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 446(2), Yang, Y., Li, B., Zhang, X., Zhao, Q., Lou, X., The zinc finger protein Zfpm1 modulates ventricular trabeculation through Neuregulin-ErbB signalling, 142-150, Copyright (2019) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.