ppargc1a acts upstream of tbx2b to form the DL segment. (A) WISH for tbx2b (purple) expression in 28 ss WT and ppargc1asa13186-/-zebrafish. Scale bars = 75 μm. (B) Absolute length measurements of tbx2b mRNA expression domains in WT and ppargc1asa13186-/- zebrafish. (C) ppargc1a expression in WT and tbx2b MO injected 28 ss zebrafish. Scale bars = 65 μm. (D) Absolute length measurements of ppargc1a expression domain in WT and tbx2b MO injected zebrafish. (E) WISH at 28 ss for slc12a3 (purple) in WT, ppargc1asa13186-/-, and ppargc1asa13186-/- injected with tbx2b cRNA. Scale bars = 75 μm. (F) Absolute length measurements of slc12a3 mRNA expression domains in WT, ppargc1asa13186-/-, and ppargc1asa13186-/- + tbx2b cRNA. Data are represented as ±SD, significant by t test, n.s. = not significant, ** = p < 0.01, and *** = p < 0.001.