Fig. 2
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- ZDB-FIG-181003-7
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- Ignatius et al., 2018 - tp53 deficiency causes a wide tumor spectrum and increases embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma metastasis in zebrafish.
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tp53del/del tumors efficiently transplant into syngeneic CG1 strain zebrafish. (A–E) A primary tp53del/del MPNSTs that formed in the eye transplanted orthotopically into the periocular space (A–C) or into the peritoneum of CG1-strain recipient fish (D–E). Intraperitoneal injection (i/p). (F–I) tp53del/del Tg(ubi:GFP)-positive angiosarcoma. Primary tumor-bearing fish (F–G) and transplanted animal (H–I). (J–R) tp53del/del Tg(ubi:GFP)-positive leukemia. Primary leukemia (J–K) and transplanted leukemia shown at 20 days post-transplantation (L–R). Whole kidney marrow was isolated from leukemia-engrafted fish and analyzed by FACS (N–O). (N) Forward and side scatter plot of whole kidney marrow of unlabeled CG1 host animal to assess ubi:GFP-positive tp53del/del leukemia cells following transplantation. (O) Analysis of GFP+ ubi:GFP-positive tp53del/del leukemia cells following FACS. Purity was ≥90%. (P–R) Cytospins and Wright/Giemsa staining of whole kidney marrow cells isolated from wildtype fish (P) compared with FACS sorted GFP+ cells from two representative aggressive NK cell-like leukemias, showing large blastic cells with abundant basophilic, vacuolated cytoplasm (Q–R). (S–V) Embryonal rhabdomyosarcoma arising in tp53del/del fish micro-injected at the one-cell stage with linearized rag2:kRASG12D + rag2:GFP. Primary (S), transplanted (2°) (T), and serially transplanted ERMS (3°) (U,V). Whole animal bright-field images (A,D,F,J) and merged GFP-fluorescence images (G,H,K,L,S–U). Hematoxylin and eosin stained sections of engrafted tumors (B–C,E, I, M,V). Scale bars are 5 mm in whole animal images and 100 μm for histology images. |