Fig. 4
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- ZDB-FIG-180927-5
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- Hu et al., 2018 - Glypican 4 and Mmp14 interact in regulating the migration of anterior endodermal cells by limiting extracellular matrix deposition
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Glypican 4 regulates endodermal migration in a non-cell-autonomous manner. Epifluorescence time-lapse experiments performed on the anterior endoderm of Tg(sox17:EGFP) host embryos transplanted with rhodamine-labeled donor cells (magenta). (A-C) gpc4 mutant donor cells transplanted into wild-type Tg(sox17:EGFP) hosts. (D-F) Wild-type donor cells transplanted into gpc4 mutant hosts (Movies 4 and 5). (A,A′,D,D′) Representative still images of anterior endoderm from movies. N, notochord; A, anterior; P, posterior; ML, medial-lateral. (B,C,E,F) Representative tracks delineate routes of migration of donor (B,E, magenta) and host (C,F, green) endodermal cells. (G,H) Total and net speeds of convergence and extension movements by donor (magenta) and host (green) endodermal cells. n=3 embryos per group. The number of endodermal cells tracked is indicated in the graph. #P>0.05; Student's t-test. |