Fig. 7
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-180828-7
- Publication
- Ahmed et al., 2018 - Motor neuron development in zebrafish is altered by brief (5-hr) exposures to THC (∆9-tetrahydrocannabinol) or CBD (cannabidiol) during gastrulation.
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Expression of nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in 2 dpf embryos of controls, 6 mg/L THC and 3 mg/L CBD-treated fish. (A–D) α-bungarotoxin labelling of postsynaptic membranes at the NMJ in zebrafish trunk musculature. (E) Bar graph representing the total number of α-bungarotoxin puncta counted over per 1000 μm2 area and compared between vehicle control (n = 10) and 6 mg/L THC-treated embryos (n = 6). (F) Bar graph representing the number of α-bungarotoxin puncta with a minimum area of ~5 μm2, compared between vehicle control (n = 10) and 6 mg/L THC-treated embryos (n = 6). (G) Bar graph representing the total number of α-bungarotoxin puncta counted over a 1000 μm2 area and compared between vehicle control (n = 8) and 3 mg/L CBD-treated embryos (n = 7). (H) Bar graph representing the number of α-bungarotoxin puncta with a minimum area of ~5 μm2, compared between vehicle control (n = 8) and 3 mg/L CBD-treated embryos (n = 7). * Significantly different from vehicle controls, p < 0.05. **Significantly different from vehicle controls, p < 0.01. |