Zebrafish are capable of arsenic metabolism and accumulate iAs in their tissues. (A) Expression of the zebrafish as3mt transcript is dynamic during zebrafish development, as determined by qRT-PCR. as3mt is maternally provided. Expression is enriched in the liver at 120 hpf. Error bars correspond to mean±s.d. L, liver; C, carcass. (B) Representative images of LA-ICP-MS analysis of 10-μm sections of control and iAs-exposed larvae. Following exposure from 4 to 120 hpf, iAs accumulated in the eye (white arrows, white circle in enlarged image), liver (yellow arrows, yellow circle in enlarged image) and in the gut (green arrows, green circle in the enlarged image). Refer to Table S2 for operating parameters. (C) Quantification of total arsenic content in the livers of 5-dpf larvae by ICP-MS. Livers dissected from larvae exposed to 0, 0.1, 0.5 and 1.0 mM iAs from 4 to 120 hpf showed a dose-dependent increase in the total arsenic content per liver (n=3 clutches). Error bars correspond to mean±s.d. hpf, hours post-fertilization; LA-ICP-MS, laser-ablation–inductively-coupled-plasma–mass-spectroscopy; iAs, inorganic arsenic; ICP-MS, inductively-coupled-plasma–mass-spectroscopy.