Fig. S3
Affected head musculature and cartilage malformations in cct5tf212b. Related to Figure 1. (A-C) Representatives of five analyzed larvae per genotype are shown (n = 5 per genotype). (A) At 3 dpf, Z-stack projections of transgenic Tg(-503unc:GFP) larvae reveal that the hyohyoideus (hh) muscles were significantly shortened in cct5tf212b compared to their siblings. The length of the hyohyoideus muscles were 45 ± 2 μm within cct5tf212b homozygotes compared to 133 ± 3 μm within siblings (Data are mean ± SEM; p < 0.0001 by student’s t-test; n = 5). (B) Accordingly, Alcian blue and Alizarin red stained 6-dpf-old larvae showed cartilage malformations in cct5tf212b homozygotes but not in siblings. Label of pharyngeal cartilages: basihyal (bh); ceratohyal (ch); ethmoid plate (e); Meckel’s cartilage (m); palatoquadrate (pq). (C) In contrast to their 6-dpf-old siblings, cct5tf212b mutants did not close their mouth (marked by asterisk). |