Fig. S8
In situ hybridization analysis of expression of different fbrsl1 transcript isoforms. A) Schemic presentation of fbrsl1 isoforms. The positions of riboprobes are shown as red lines. Noncoding and coding parts of exons are shown as white and dark blue rectangles, respectively. Exons 9a and 9b are mutually exclusive exons. (8-C) left panels, whole mount in situ hybridization with isoformspecific riboprobes, TSS1 (B) and TSS2 (C) in wild type 24 hpf embryos. Right panels, a flat mount preparation of embryos showing in left panels; yolk and eyes were removed. lsoform-specific sense and antisense riboprobes were designed against alternative first exons 1A (TSS1, 883-bp long probe comprising 849 bp of 5'UTR and 34 bp of coding region) and exon 1 B (probe TSS2, 652 bp). Arrow points hypothalamus, arrowhead points ventral diencephalon and asterisk points telencephalon. |