Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-170608-5
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- Ohki et al., 2017 - Glycine-alanine dipeptide repeat protein contributes to toxicity in a zebrafish model of C9orf72 associated neurodegeneration
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Antisense morpholino rescued the toxic edema phenotype. a Representation of process of intervention for each morpholino during the generation of GA80-GFP protein in vivo. b GAL4 targeting AMO efficiently blocked Gal4 translation at 2 dpf shown by immunoblotting (upper panel). Quantification of the pericardial edema phenotype observed in GA80-GFP with injection of ctrl AMO or GAL4 targeting AMO at 4 dpf are shown as a bar graph (lower panel) (p < 0,001, 3 independent experiments with 3 clutches n ≥ 6 are shown, unpaired t test). c ATG targeting morpholino efficiently inhibited the ATG dependent translation of poly-GA at 2 dpf (upper panel). Quantification of the pericardial edema phenotype observed in GA80-GFP upon injection of ctrl AMO or ATG targeting AMO at 4 dpf shown as a bar graph (lower panel) (p < 0,005, 3 independent experiments with 3 clutches n ≥ 19 are shown, unpaired t test). d Semi-quantitative RT-PCR analyses of injected embryos at 2 dpf. e RNA foci formation was not affected upon injection with ctrl AMO or ATG AMO at 2 dpf. Scale bar 10 μm |