Fig. 4

Ramspacher et al., 2015 - Developmental Alterations in Heart Biomechanics and Skeletal Muscle Function in Desmin Mutants Suggest an Early Pathological Root for Desminopathies
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Fig. 4

Ca2+ Propagation in the Beating Heart Is Deficient in the Absence of Functional Desmin

(A) Snapshots from videos corresponding to the 4D reconstructions of a single heartbeat in Tg(myl7:GalFF; UAS:Gcamp3.0) WT, desmasa5−/−, and ct122aRGt 48-hpf embryos ( Movies S5, S6, and S7) show perturbations in the Ca2+ signal at the ventricle tip in the absence of functional Desma. Scale bar, 30 μm.

(B) Ca2+ intensity plots and quantification of the amplitude of the Ca2+ peak upon contraction in four different regions of the heart: (1) inflow tract; (2) atrium outer curvature; (3) ventricle proximal outer curvature; and (4) ventricle distal outer curvature. The amplitude is significantly reduced in region 3 of the desmasa5−/− and in regions 3 and 4 of the ct122aRGt (n = 5 embryos, n ≥ 10 cells for each condition). Plots correspond to a representative example of each condition. Note that the heart-contraction sequences for each condition are not starting at the same moment of the contraction cycle. Gray arrows indicate the direction of blood flow through the heart. ct122aRGt indicates desmact122aRGt homozygous embryos.

The error bars correspond to the SEM.

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Stage: Long-pec

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