Fig. S3
Flow cessation reduces the complexity of the caudal plexus in zebrafish embryos at 48 hpf. Whole-‐mount active caspase-‐3 staining (red) of 48 hpf flk1:EGFP-NLS embryos (green EC nuclei) and assessment of vascular morphology of 48 hpf kdrl:HRAS- mCherry (red EC) embryos in the presence (control) or absence of flow (sih MO). (A) Representative images are shown. Caudal vein plexus morphology was less complex and with fewer loops (indicated with white arrows) in the absence of flow (sih MO) compared to controls (left panels). A modest increase in apoptotic EC was observed in sih MO compared to controls (right panels). (B) EC numbers, number of vascular loops and percentage of apoptotic ECs were quantified in sih embryos and controls at 48 hpf and are presented as mean values with standard deviation. n≥15 from three independent experiments; **p<0.01, ***p<0.001 using an unpaired two-‐tailed t-‐test. |