Fig. S8
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-161221-46
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- Chen et al., 2016 - MicroRNA-126a Directs Lymphangiogenesis Through Interacting With Chemokine and Flt4 Signaling in Zebrafish
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miR-126a acts synergistically with Cxcl12a signaling to regulate trunk lymphatics formation. (A) Confocal images of trunk vessels at 55 hpf embryos. The red arrows indicate the normal PLs and the red asterisks show the absence of PLs. (B) Quantification of PL defects in 55 hpf embryos. Compared with single knockdown groups, the PLs were more severely impaired in double knockdown group (**p<0.01 vs AMD3100; *p<0.01 vs miR-126a MO). (C) Confocal images of partial trunk vessels at 108 hpf embryos. Red lines, DA; blue lines, PCV; white arrows, normal TD; white arrowheads, absent TD. (D) Quantification of the TD defects in 108 hpf embryos. Compared with single knockdown groups, the TD was more severely impaired in double knockdown group (**p<0.01 vs AMD3100; ***p<0.001 vs miR-126a MO). Scale bars, 100 μm. |