Neutrophils migrate into the LPS-injected zebrafish swim bladder. (a) The dose response for neutrophil recruitment into the swim bladder of 5-dpf zebrafish larvae after stimulation with LPS, Poly IC and Nano-SiO2 for 4 hpi. (b) Neutrophil accumulation into the Tg(mpo:GFP) zebrafish (5 dpf) swim bladder after the 50 ng LPS injection was imaged by confocal microscopy at 5 hpi (maximum projection slices n=66; green, neutrophil; scale bar: 60 μm). (c) Neutrophil recruitment to the LPS-injected swim bladder (indicated by the dotted line) of Tg(mpo:GFP) zebrafish larvae at 5 dpf was monitored (green, neutrophil; scale bar: 100 μm). (d) The neutrophil distribution (green) throughout the whole body (scale bar: 100 μm). (e) HE staining of zebrafish (5 dpf) swim bladders after the LPS challenge (scale bar: 20 μm)