Fig. 4
- ID
- ZDB-FIG-160929-17
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- Song et al., 2016 - Arl13b Interacts With Vangl2 to Regulate Cilia and Photoreceptor Outer Segment Length in Zebrafish
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Progressive degeneration of arl13b-/- photoreceptors. (A) Overview of the blastula transplant strategy. Heterozygous arl13+/- fish were crossed to the TαC:GFPucd1 transgenic line to produce arl13b+/-; TαC:GFPucd1 animals. Progeny from heterozygous crosses were injected with rhodamine-dextran and donor cells transplanted into the animal pole of unlabeled wild-type hosts. At 4 dpf, arl13b-/-;TαC:GFPucd1 mutants were identified phenotypically (top). Wild-type hosts containing photoreceptors from mutant donors were identified by mosaic GFP fluorescence within the eye (bottom). (B, C) Cryosections of 14 dpf larvae showing GFP+ clones populating retinas bilaterally and unilaterally. (D, E) Immunofluorescence image of 16 dpf larval retinas immunolabeled for rhodopsin (red). Cone photoreceptors from donor embryos express GFP (green). Transplanted cone photoreceptors from an arl13b-/-; TαC:GFPucd1 mutant donors exhibited partial rhodopsin mislocalization within the donor clone ([E], arrows). Sections were counterstained with DAPI to show nuclei. (E) Graph showing the percentage of hosts (n > 11 retinas per genotype) still containing GFP-positive cells from wild-type or arl13b-/- mutant donors at specified time points. Scale bar: 50 µm. |