Fig. S1
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- ZDB-FIG-160901-5
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- Casano et al., 2016 - Developmental Apoptosis Mediates Entry and Positioning of Microglia in the Zebrafish Brain
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Reducing brain apoptosis does not affect the total number of leukocytes in the developing embryo. Related to Figure 1 and Figure 2. (A-I) Distribution of microglia and apoptotic nuclei during brain development. Microglia were imaged in pU.1::Gal4-UAS::TagRFP embryos (A, D, G) or by WISH with a probe against apoE (B, E, H). (C, F, I) Acridine orange staining in pU.1-morphant embryos. Dotted lines mark the brain region. Cells outside of this area are located on the skin and excluded from quantifications. Figure S1 B is a composite of two pictures focusing on different planes of the same sample. (J and K) Lateral view of a representative pU.1::GAL4-UAS::TagRFP embryo at 4dpf, treated with DMSO (J) and z-VAD-fmk + caspase-3 morpholino (K). Dotted lines mark the embryo. (L) Quantification of leukocytes in 4dpf pU.1::GAL4-UAS::TagRFP embryos treated with DMSO and z-VAD-fmk + caspase-3 morpholino. Cells are quantified in the trunk and the tail, as indicated in the schematic (blue-colored areas). (M and N) WISH using a probe agaist xiap in 4 days old pU.1-morphant embryos in the absence (M) or presence (N) of nbt::Xiap expression. White arrowheads indicate xiap+ neurons. Scale bar, 30µm. n, number of analyzed embryos. NS, non significant. |