Fig. 1
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- ZDB-FIG-160420-9
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- Thompson et al., 2016 - Functional Profiles of Visual-, Auditory-, and Water Flow-Responsive Neurons in the Zebrafish Tectum
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Experimental Setup for Calcium Imaging of Neural Responses to Stimuli across Three Modalities (A) A schematic of the experimental setup. Zebrafish larvae were exposed to four visual stimuli, two lateral line stimuli, and an auditory stimulus while neuronal activity was simultaneously imaged using SPIM. (B) Pan-neuronal GCaMP5G was imaged in the tectum from a dorsal perspective, orthogonal to the illumination plane. Individual cells (yellow) were automatically segmented using custom-written code in MATLAB. (C) A raster plot of the change in fluorescence over time for each cell in a single experimental trial. Defined patterns of activity were observed in response to the presentation of the various sensory stimuli (vertical bar, red; horizontal bar, purple; full-field flash, blue; small spot, green; water flow, light green; auditory tone, orange). |