Uhrf1 acts cell-autonomously to regulate liver outgrowth. (A) Wild-type and uhrf1 5dpf larvae with or without the Tg(fabp10:UHRF1-EGFP)Low transgene. The liver is outlined. (B) The area of the left liver lobe was quantified in 10-16 larvae from three clutches of each genotype (left panel). Top and bottom of box plot designate 75% and 25% of the population, respectively, separated by the median; bars represent 10th and 90th percentiles. *P<0.05. The percent relative to wild-type liver is indicated. (C) qPCR on cDNA from dissected livers. Student′s t-test was used to determine significance between ΔΔCt values of uhrf1 mutants with and without the Tg(fabp10:UHRF1-EGFP)Low transgene and percentage of upregulation in mutants with and without the transgene is indicated. (D) Representative image of more than two TUNEL-stained livers from each sample with the average number of TUNEL (+) foci for each sample indicated in red. Livers without the UHRF1-EGFP expression were stained with Cy5-SA to highlight hepatocytes. (E) Cumulative survival of one cohort of fish. The number of animals in each sample is indicated. Log rank test was used to calculate P-value.