Fig. 9
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- ZDB-FIG-130906-15
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- Weger et al., 2013 - Real-time in vivo monitoring of circadian E-box enhancer activity: A robust and sensitive zebrafish reporter line for developmental, chemical and neural biology of the circadian clock
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Radial glial and non-radial glial progenitors express the luciferase reporter. ((A) and (B)) Luciferase (red), S100β (green) and PCNA (blue) expression at two different levels of the telencephalon at ZT15. ((A2), (B2) and (B3)) Higher magnifications of the corresponding framed regions in A and B. Luciferase transcripts are abundantly detected along the ventricular/periventricular layer (arrows in A and A2). Luciferase mRNA is notably expressed in S100β positive radial glial cells, both in proliferating (type II) progenitors (higher magnification in B2, yellow spots show luciferase mRNA staining granules in one S100β+ cell) and in non-proliferating (type I) progenitors (arrows in B2). A magnification of the framed region in B2 is shown with the three color channels separated as well as merged. At the rostral migratory stream-like strip (RMS), proliferating S100β-negative cells (type III progenitors) also exhibit luciferase expression (arrows in B′′). Dl, dorsolateral telencephalon; Dm, dorsomedian telencephalon; RMS, rostral migratory stream-like strip; Vd, dorsal nucleus of the ventral telencephalon; Vv, ventral nucleus of the ventral telencephalon. Scale bar corresponds to: (A) 110 μm; (A2) 33 μm; (B) 130 μm; (B2) 25 μm; (B3) 20 μm. All pictures shown represent a single 1.5 μm confocal plane. |
Reprinted from Developmental Biology, 380(2), Weger, M., Weger, B.D., Diotel, N., Rastegar, S., Hirota, T., Kay, S.A., Strähle, U., and Dickmeis, T., Real-time in vivo monitoring of circadian E-box enhancer activity: A robust and sensitive zebrafish reporter line for developmental, chemical and neural biology of the circadian clock, 259-73, Copyright (2013) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Dev. Biol.