Crystallins of the crygm2d family are a cohort of genes that are translationally regulated by eif3ha. (A) Transcripts encoding crygm2d isoforms are shown according to their respective changes in the translation state relative to total RNA. (B) The change in translational state was validated in independent experiments by qPCR for crygm2d3, crygm2d4, and crygm2d12. (C) Representative in situ hybridization experiment showing that crygm2d1, crygm2d12, and eif3ha transcripts are colocalized in the developing lens at 1–2 dpf. (D) Representative in situ hybridization experiment showing that transcript patterns for crygm2d3 and crygm2d12 are unaltered in eif3ha morphants at 24 hpf compared with stage-matched WT controls.