Fig. S2
Blocking the MLF does not affect the organization of the hindbrain. (A-D) In situ hybridization of anteriorposterior markers in control and MLF-blocked embryos at 24 hpf. (A,B) hoxb1a expression in r4 is unaffected in embryos lacking MLF axons (B) compared with controls (A). (C,D) krox20 expression in r3 and r5 is unaffected in embryos lacking MLF axons (D) compared with controls (C). (E,F) HuC antibody staining in zCREST1:membRFP transgenic embryos at 24 hpf. (F) HuC-labeled neuron number (green) is not affected by blocking MLF axons (F); however, the localization of these neurons is somewhat disorganized compared with controls (E). Dashed lines indicate r5 boundaries. Scale bars: 50 μm for A-D; 20 μm for E,F. |