Fig. 1

Bianco et al., 2012 - The Tangential Nucleus Controls a Gravito-inertial Vestibulo-ocular Reflex
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Fig. 1

Compensatory Ocular Counterrotations after Changes in Head Tilt(A) Definition of the pitch-tilt axis for head rotation (φ), centered about the ear.(B) Definition of the torsional axis for ocular rotation (ψ), centered at the eye.(C) Example raw eye position trace from a representative 10 dpf larva presented with 1.5 cycles of 10° steps covering the ±60° range.(D) Final eye position observed for each step, for this example 10 dpf larva. Vertical lines are mean ± SD measured over the last 3 s of each step, gray line plots the fit to sine-transformed head rotation.(E) The average response for each colored step type from (C). Black represents the step stimulus. Data shown in both the position and velocity domains (left and right, respectively).(F) Gain (peak eye speed/peak head speed) for the individual steps that progressively rotated the fish from +60° (nose-down) through horizontal to 60° (nose-up) and then back again. Vertical lines are mean ± SD. Colors as in (C) and (E).See also Figure S1.

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