RA signaling is required for blastema proliferation. Inhibition of RA signaling in hsp70:cyp26a1 fish, when instigated during regenerative outgrowth, results in downregulation of msxb expression and loss of blastema proliferation. (A) Longitudinal sections stained for BrdU and with DAPI demonstrate absence of BrdU-positive cells in hsp70:cyp26a1 regenerates at 81 hpa after a single heat shock at 72 hpa. (B) Quantification of BrdU-labeled cells (wild type, n=17 sections; hsp70:cyp26a1, n=16). (C) qPCR determination of msxb transcript levels in hsp70:cyp26a1 regenerates relative to wild-type regenerates at 73 hpa. Error bars, s.e.m. *, P<0.0001. Dashed lines indicate amputation plane. Scale bar: 100 μm.