Fig. 6

Murphy et al., 2011 - A Src-Tks5 Pathway Is Required for Neural Crest Cell Migration during Embryonic Development
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Fig. 6

Src- and Tks5-dependent neural crest cell dendritic-like protrusions in 3-D culture and in vivo.

(A) Control (scrambled) and Tks5 knocked-down (shT5.2) JOMA1.3 cells were placed in a three-dimensional collagen matrix and cultured for six days. Cells embedded in the collagen matrix were stained for F-actin (phalloidin) and analyzed for differences in cell structure (40×). (B) Neural crest cell and neural crest-derived cell protrusions were qualitatively examined by either enlarging images of neural crest cells in Tg(sox10:RFP) embryos obtained in 4A (left panels) or imaging melanophores in vehicle or SU6656 treated embryos at a higher magnification (23×) (right panels). (C) Control (Tks5 MM injected) and Tks5 morphant Tg(foxd3:GFP) embryos (30 hpf) were fixed and imaged by confocal microscopy. The width and length of protrusions was measured by Volocity software. Mean values (n = 20) and SEM are shown. p values obtained from Student′s t-test. ** denotes p<0.01. (D = dorsal, V = ventral, A = anterior, P = posterior).

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