Fig. 5
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- ZDB-FIG-110207-60
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- Yu et al., 2011 - Cilia-driven fluid flow as an epigenetic cue for otolith biomineralization on sensory hair cells of the inner ear
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Fig. 5
Effect of the foxj1b splice-inhibitory morpholino on splicing of foxj1b mRNA. (A) The positions of foxj1b primers (1-3) are shown relative to the exon/intron positions of zebrafish foxj1b mRNA. (B) RT-PCR with foxj1b primers (1) and (2) showing an increase in the amount of unspliced foxj1b transcript in the foxj1b splice morpholino (SP MO)-injected embryos (lanes c and d). RT-PCR with foxj1b primers (1) and (3) showed a decrease in the level of foxj1b transcript in the foxj1b SP MO-injected embryos (lanes g and h). bactin1 mRNA levels were unaffected (lanes e and f). |
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