Fig. S1
Supporting Figure S1: RT-PCR analysis indicates that FucT8 morpholino oligonucleotides were effective in blocking processing of FucT8 mRNA. RNA extracted from 24-hpf control and FucT8 morphant embryos was subjected to RT-PCR using two primers pairs; the first pair (green, red arrows) produced a 270-bp fragment (arrow) in FucT8 morphants, that is not present in control-injected embryos. The second primer pair used the same forward primer (green) along with a reverse primer (blue) that generated a 266-bp product in control embryos, as well as a faint, larger PCR product of 2,858 bp (arrow) in FucT8 morphants that is not easily reproduced in the figure, as the PCR reaction was optimized for smaller reaction products. |