Fig. S3
Rescue in NDPK B morphants. Zebrafish embryos were injected with MO-Ctrl (4 ng), NDPK B-mRNA (0.8 ng) and MO-NDPK B (4 ng) as well as co-injected with both MO-NDPK B (4 ng) and NDPK B-mRNA (0.8 ng) that lacks theMObinding site. (A) Representative immunoblots of zebrafish lysates prepared at 72 hpf confirmed mRNA driven NDPK B expression. (B) Quantitative analysis of rescued NDPK B morphants (4 ng) by co-injection of 0.8 ng NDPK B-mRNA according to phenotypic appearance. Data are means±SEM, n=3, 70–80 fishes respectively. Representive phenotypes ofWT(C),NDPKB morphants (D) and rescued embryos (E). (F) Rescue of cardiac contractility. Fractional shortening of the ventricular and atrial chamber of WT, NDPK B morphants and rescued morphants are shown. Data are means ± SEM, n = 10–15 for each condition, *, P < 0.05 vs. MO-NDPK B. |