Phenotype of dak and syu mutants at 72 h (A,B), 38 h (C,D) and 96 h (E-H): (A,C,E) Wild-type (wt), (B,D,F) dak-, (G) syutq252, (H) syut4. (A,B) anterior is towards the left, (C,D) anterior is towards the left, view from distal. Note that the wt apical fold in C produces a ‘line’ (arrow) where dorsal and ventral epidermis become juxtaposed. This ‘line’ is absent in the dak- bud in D. (E-H) distal is towards the right. Living dak- larvae lack functional pectoral fins at 72 h and fail to develop an apical fold at 38 h. At 96 h dak- larvae have developed a pectoral girdle that distinguishes them from syu hypomorphic and null mutants. cl, cleithrum; ed, endoskeletal disc; ff, fin fold; pg, shoulder girdle; pp, postcoracoid process.