Patterned zic gene expression in the dorsal brain during somitogenesis. Staged embryos were stained for opl/zic1, zic2, or zic3 RNA (purple) by using whole-mount in situ hybridization. A-C: Mid-somitogenesis (15 hpf) embryos, lateral view, anterior to the left, dorsal at the top. A: opl/zic1 is expressed in the dorsal brain and in the dorsal half of each somite (Rohr et al., [1999]). B: zic2 is expressed in the dorsal brain, the forming optic stalk, and weakly in the developing tailbud. C: zic3 is expressed in the dorsal brain and strongly in the tailbud; also note transient expression in the ventral diencephalon. D-I: Late somitogenesis (prim-5) embryos, side view, anterior to the left, dorsal at the top. D: opl/zic1 is expressed throughout the dorsal brain and in the optic stalk. E: zic2 expression is restricted to the dorsal diencephalon, dorsal portion of the cerebellum, and the optic stalk (confirmed in sections, data not shown). F: zic3 is expressed in the dorsal diencephalon, tectum, and the optic stalk. a, anterior; p, posterior; t, telencephalon; di, diencephalon; m, midbrain; h, hindbrain; asterisks indicate optic stalk.