Fig. 3
Zebrafish piRNAs in Ovary and Testis (A) SYBRGold staining of 20 μg total RNA is shown. A 28 nt band is visible in testis and ovary but not in fin. (B) Length distribution of cloned small RNAs from zebrafish ovary and testis is shown. (C) Ovary- and testis-specific detection of small RNAs by northern blotting is shown. Sense indicates a probe with same sequence as the cloned piRNA sequence. (D) Graphic representation of the overlap between ovary and testis libraries. In the overlap regions the number of ovary (O)- and testis (T)-derived reads that contribute to the total number of loci or nonredundant sequences are indicated. Loci are defined as regions where two different piRNAs are maximally 1 kb apart. (E) Ziwi cofractionates with piRNAs on a size exclusion column. Upper panel shows western blot for Ziwi. Lower panels show northern blots for piR-28 and piR-31. (F) Ziwi cofractionates with piRNAs on a Resource S column eluted with a salt gradient from 100 mM to 1 M NaCl. Upper panel shows western blot for Ziwi. Lower panel shows northern blot for piR-28. (G) A view from the UCSC browser displays a part of chromosome 8. Red bars depict piRNA reads originating from the positive strand, and blue bars depict reads from the negative strand. Other features of this region are indicated in the figure. |
Reprinted from Cell, 129(1), Houwing, S., Kamminga, L.M., Berezikov, E., Cronembold, D., Girard, A., van den Elst, H., Filippov, D.V., Blaser, H., Raz, E., Moens, C.B., Plasterk, R.H., Hannon, G.J., Draper, B.W., and Ketting, R.F., A role for Piwi and piRNAs in germ cell maintenance and transposon silencing in Zebrafish, 69-82, Copyright (2007) with permission from Elsevier. Full text @ Cell