The chemokine cxcl12b is expressed prior to the formation of the lateral dorsal aorta. Double fluorescent in situ hybridization with cxcl12b (red) and kdrl (green). Dorso-lateral views, all embryos are oriented anterior to the left, dorsal up. A, C, E 15 somite stage. B, D, F 22 somite stage. A, kdrl is expressed in endothelial cells that begin to form the lateral dorsal aorta (arrows). B, cxcl12b is expressed in the region in which the lateral dorsal aorta will form. E, overlay of green and red channels. B, kdrl expression showing the fully formed lateral dorsal aorta. D, Expression of cxcl12b in the region of the formed lateral dorsal aorta. F, overlay of green and red channels.