Phenotypes of pigment pattern mutations (Class IV). Wild-type siblings are compared with homozygous mutants for cho (A,B,D,E) on the sixth day, ful on the third day (C,F) and uns on the sixth day (G,H). cho mutants show ectopic melanophores (arrow) in a half collar joining the dorsal and ventral stripes caudal to the ear (D) and have no lateral stripe (arrow, E). ful mutants (F) show laterally displaced dorsal stripe melanophores in the anterior trunk (arrowhead). Close-up view of ventral stripe of wildtype larva (G) shows melanophores covering dorsal surface of swim bladder and large mediolateral extent of lateral patches (flanked by white lines). In uns mutants this region is devoid of melanophores (arrow) and mediolateral extent of lateral patches (white lines) is narrowed (H). C,F are dorsal views of anterior trunk dorsal stripe. Abbreviations as in Fig. 2. e, ear; sb, swimbladder. Scale bars, 300 μm (A,C,D,F) and 150 μm (B,E,G,H).