Lfng and Notch1a in neuronal subtype choice. (A-D) Dorsal views of wild-type (A,C) and mibta52b homozygous mutant (B,D) embryos at 18 hpf showing notch1a (A,B) and deltaA (C,D) expression in the hindbrain. (E-L) Dorsal views of wild-type (E,I), notch1atp37 homozygous mutant (F,J) embryos, or control MO (G,K) and lfngE1I1 MO (H,L) injected embryos at 26 hpf showing vsx1 (E-H) and gata3 (I-L) expression in the hindbrain that mark V2a and V2b interneurons (indicated by arrows), respectively. Expression of gata3 in nV and nVII branchiomotor neurons, indicated by the asterisks and arrowheads (I-L), respectively, is not affected in notch1atp37 embryos but increased following knockdown of lfng (insets in I-L). OTO, otocyst. Scale bars: 100 μm.