Efficacy of zFat1 and zFat4MO(A) and the expression pattern of zFat1 and zFat4 (B). (A) The green fluorescence, caused by injection of 5′UTR-Fat1:GFP and 5′UTR-Fat4:GFP, was equally abolished by co-injection of zFat1 MOand zFat4 MO. The analysis was performed 4 h.p.f. at sphere stage. (B) Expression of zFat1 and zFat4 detected by in situ hybridization. Digoxigenin-labeled anti-sense probes against the EGF repeat (12562–13056 bp) of zFat1 and the C-terminus of zFat4 were used 55 h.p.f. Both zFat1 and zFat4 transcripts were detectable in the developing pronephros (indicated by arrows and circles). The specificity of each probe was confirmed by in situ hybridization with the corresponding zFat1 and zFat4 sense probe.