foxd3 loss-of-function partially rescues melanophores from apoptosis in kitw34 larvae. A: Three days postfertilization (dpf) kitw34 larvae analyzed by TUNEL (terminal deoxynucleotidyl transferase-mediated deoxyuridinetriphosphate nick end-labeling) assay. Examples of posterior trunk melanophores positive for TUNEL signal are marked with white arrowheads. B: Brightfield image of larvae shown in A. TUNEL-positive melanophores (black arrowheads) are distinct in size and shape. C: Line graph indicating the total number of TUNEL-positive melanophores found in the dorsal stripe of uninjected or foxd3 morpholino oligonucleotide (MO) -injected kitw34 larvae quantified at 3, 4, and 5 dpf. There is a significant decrease in TUNEL-positive melanophores at 3 dpf with foxd3 loss-of-function. (control n = 45 fish, 649 TUNEL+ cells; foxd3MO n = 64 fish, 493 TUNEL+ cells; *P < 0.001 by Bonferroni posttest at 3 dpf).